Tag Archives: fundamental

Forex E-Book Of Trading Strategies

With Forex trading, you can be in charge of your finances. It has the reputation for being the largest market in the world, and the cost at the beginning is also low. This industry is tuned to several billions of dollars, and there is the opportunity to earn a lot of money by a few hours. All one needs to do this, is the determination and an Internet connection. When it comes to Forex trades, one must keep growing with learning about methods to make more money. […]

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FOREX Trading

A lot of individuals are interested to know more about FOREX trading. Do you want to know why? Well, Forex trading can help you earn lots of money as long as you have the right strategies and trading information. However, with one false move, you can also lose huge money. To be a successful trader, you need to be serious with all your trading transactions. Exchanges in the Forex market happen instantaneously. Even the expert traders and bankers are challenged to make very good and well-informed trades. […]

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Forex Trading- Are You Gaining Or Losing?

Did you know that you can find a market that is open 24 hours a day? The market is called Forex market and if you go there, you can’t find services, commodities and goods. The Forex market is the place where different kinds of currencies are traded. In every trade, two currencies are involved. For instance, you can sell your Canadian dollars for Euros; or you can pay Japanese Yen for US dollars. Forex rates or exchange rates can change unexpectedly. You need to monitor these exchange […]

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Fundamental Analysis of the Forex Market

It is broadly accepted that there are two ways to analyze the Forex market. These are described as -fundamental- and -technical- analysis. Which of these methods works at which time? To help understand how and why, this article will look at fundamental analysis. This is a style of analysis that looks at political and economic conditions which affect exchange rates. Most commonly, these factors include employment rates and economic policies of a governing party. It therefore stands to reason that a general election in a country will […]

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