Tag Archives: trading

Bulls and Bears – oh my!

Anyone who has flicked through the financial channels on their cable TV box without really stopping to listen to what is being said will probably be occasionally confused by references to -bulls- and -bears-. These terms are common parlance in trading situations, and can be heard or read in any market analysis if you stay tuned long enough. They are not references to sports teams, nor to a traveling zoo visiting a trading floor, but rather to styles of market. A -bull- market is, in short, a […]

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Support and Resistance – the two key words

To really understand the behavior of a currency on the Forex market it is important to see how it has behaved over a period of time. Taken over the course of a very short space of time, it is possible to make data mean just about anything. This, in turn, means that the data will be almost worthless. Over a longer period of time, however, patterns always seem to assert themselves, and establish a firm basis for predicting the future behavior of a currency price. Among the […]

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The reliability of trending data

When making an investment in the Forex market – or indeed cashing out of one – it is common to use the trending patterns of the currency that you are trading. This is data that has been collected over a period of time – in many cases over the course of years, even decades. Knowing how to read the data effectively can make you a lot of money, or save you from making a catastrophic loss. The way that you go about investing can make a big […]

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Analyzing the market to your advantage

It has been said by many experienced traders that Forex is a more volatile market than any of the available options. The theory goes that it is difficult enough to judge a single company’s value at a given time and in the future, just imagine how hard it is to do the same thing with a whole country. This philosophy takes the point of view that analyzing the Forex market relies on careful reading over a period of time. Some knowledge of world affairs is also advantageous, […]

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The Perils of Over-Reacting

Trading on the Forex market is something that can be quite thrilling, such is the potential for making real money. For many people, the thing that attracts them about the Forex market is exactly the same thing that can turn them off it – that is to say the high stakes which exist. Successful trading can make you very rich very quickly, but a bad trade can wipe your profit out in the blink of an eye. Having a negative experience early on can cause a trader […]

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Picking the right Forex broker for you

Playing the Forex market is something which more and more people are doing today, yet for those of us who have not yet begun our adventure in the Forex world, it can be a somewhat cloudy topic. Beginning to invest in the foreign exchange market is not something that just happens. That is to say that you cannot just walk into an office and buy some money in a foreign currency and become a Forex trader by doing so. It requires a process to be put into […]

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Don’t assume that you know everything

If there is one piece of advice that should be issued to every potential Forex trader before they go anywhere near the trading floor (virtual or otherwise) it is this: -You may well arrive at the conclusion that you are always right. Get that idea out of your head now before it is proved to be dead wrong.- The fact of the matter is that even the most experienced traders, and the most successful of those, have made mistakes in the past. In fact, the ones who […]

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Learn the lessons of history – good and bad

The world in which we live is constantly changing. Physically, morally, financially, things which we held to be true ten years ago have in many instances ceased to be the case. However, this does not mean that we cannot learn from the past. After all, a wise man once said these words, or something close: -Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it-. In other words, unless you learn from your mistakes you stand an excellent chance of making the same mistakes again. In […]

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Forex trading – Do it your way!

There have been some extremely successful traders in the history of the various markets, people who have made so much money in fact that they have been able to retire before the age of thirty in some cases. Whether the idea of being retired before you are even half way to the legally-mandated retirement age thrills or terrifies you, it has to be said that there is a real upside to having the opportunity. If we could all do what those super traders have done, we would […]

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Don’t get carried away – consistency is the key!

When trading on any stock market it is easy to look at early positive results and think yourself bullet-proof. In fact, the world’s impression of stock traders in many cases tends to picture them as extremely sure of themselves and convinced that they alone hold the secrets that create wealth. This is due in no small part to the fact that, not all that long ago, that was exactly how the typical market trader behaved. It would be easy to sneer at people for behaving in that […]

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